Gnop (Glennorous)
Note: Mouse is disabled in this game, only arrow keys, W,S, SPACE, enter and ESC work!
Use UP / DOWN or W / S to move the ball. And SPACE to enter time laps mode.
The collectible power ups refill your time laps tank. Use enter to accept a UI selection.
In Gnop you take control of a tennis ball trying to hit the moving bats at the left and right border of the screen. For each collision with a bat you get 1 point.
When you enter the area behind the bats, the game is over. You can, however, hit the bottom and top areas of the court.
ThemePong is a cliché itself as it "is overused and betrays a lack of original thought", e.g. by having multiple tutorials for game development using Pong and projects in general.
That's why we decided to create a game similar to Pong, but with a new point of view.
Enjoy and try beating the high score!