Go Zen

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Simple and elegant Go board for 2 players. 


-three classic board sizes: 9x9, 13x13, 19x19,

-komi and handicaps

-saving gamestate


Goal of the game is to conquer more territory on the board then your opponent. Players by turns place their stones on the board. Each stone or connected (vertically and horizontally) groups of stones of the same colour have "liberties"  in number of empty points surrounding them. A stone or groups of stones needs at least one liberty to live. Dead stones ("prisoners") are removed from the board and are added to the score of the opposing player. Each player can pass their turn and if both of them do, the game ends. Then both players decide which groups would be dead. If they disagree, the game is resumed. If they both agree, score is calculated by adding number of their territory (empty points fully surrounded by stones of the same colour) plus number of prisoners taken plus "komi" (compensation for white player going second) equal 6.5.

Advanced rules:

Handicaps: If one of the players is stronger, handicaps can be used. Weaker player plays black.

1 handicap: black plays first, komi is 0.5

2 handicap: black starts with 2 stones, white plays first

3 handicap: black starts with 3 stones, white plays first

and so forth up to 9 stones for black.

Ko rule: Players are not allowed to make a move that returns the game to the previous position.

Suicide: If placing a stone would kill a groups of stones of that player's colour, then such move is forbidden, unless doing so removes last liberty of an enemy group.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Android

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Last Modified: Sep 11, 2020

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