Average Playtime: 1 hour

Gobernators (Parodia política peruana)

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Año 2016: El Perú está en medio de una tremenda y confusa campaña electoral donde se ofrecen muchas dádivas pero pocas soluciones reales al caos que aqueja a nuestra querida patria. Un día, un extraño visitante pisa nuestras tierras y ofrece a los candidatos y políticos actuales una solución inmediata, si es que se atreven a cumplirla: ¡¡Salgan a la calle y acaben con todos los males a punta de balazos!!
En Gobernators podrás elegir a tu candidato o politiquero predilecto (o, en su defecto, al candidato del "Blanco/Viciado") y recorrer las calles de Lima a la vez que acabas con todos los males del Perú por la fuerza... ¡O por la fuerza!


  • Juego de plataformas y disparos en 2.5D
  • 9 personajes a elegir
  • 4 enormes niveles
  • Rápida y trepidante acción, con muchos enemigos, hoyos sin fin y varios tipos de armas a tu disposición
  • Trofeos (Steam achievements)
  • Cinemáticas animadas realizadas por CGA Studio
  • Videojuego completamente hecho en el Perú
Release date
CGA Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1.4 Ghz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GPU AMD serie 6400 o equivalente
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 300 MB available space
  • OS: Windows 7 o superior
  • Processor: 3.2 Ghz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GPU AMD serie 7800 o superior
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 300 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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1 edit
Tú, líder indiscutible
Obtén todos los demás trofeos.
Gobernator de Oro
Obtén las 11 estrellas de oro.
Gobernator Nivel 4
Obtén 4 estrellas o más.
Fuego cruzado
Destruye a balazos una bala REVOX.
Es Salud
Obtén 25 vidas o más.
view all achievements
11 items

Gobernators (Parodia política peruana) reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
+ humorous + immediate + funny.. -but not for long-in Spanish only language-a little trivial The game is fun but not for an excessive duration, is quite stupid and I do not feel to recommend it as it is free to play, there are many other viable alternatives although there is to say that is original and wanting... Maybe in lost time, very lost, we can lose a few minutes
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
An interesting free game in which politicians can fly to get the aliens out. If it were based on Spanish politics, the only thing that would fly would be the money of the public coffers and the alien would have chalet in Marbella and the money in Switzerland. The Ostia this game lol, pure fun and do not stop laughing, choose your ruler and unleashed the bad connections of Peruvian society, unavoidable parody xD, good game.
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Microsoft from Russian
Compared to the slag that recently goes to Unity, this game can even be called playable. Developers offer us in the role of politicians (and Spanish) to move at last from words to deeds and go to beat the Supostatov unknown. In the game forgot to start the English language (I'm not talking about Russian), so in the menu and on the Acchivkam move to the touch. We Shoot at everything that moves, and quickly, we do not have to die and actually the whole secret of success. Pull, because you do not have to pay for the game.
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Microsoft from Russian
Gobernators (parody on Peruvian politics)-the lute thrash on Unity, on the theme of the Peruvian elections of 2016. The Game is a typical platformer with shooting, with a somewhat unusual graphic design (IMHO something is the average between "something cool" and "some kind of crap"). On the points we have the following:-only Spanish (even English did not deliver)-9 characters of the Peruvian political establishment to choose. Do You know Peruvian politicians? I'm not. And something tells me that in the Russian-speaking environment on these politicians all... Well, you understand. -4 relatively short level. -There is a very stupid music for each level. -The average difficulty of achievement (difficulty can only cause a moment with "collect all the coins", "Do not let yourself hurt" and "collect 25 chickens-that lives). -A short time of passing-the whole game can be overcome in half an hour, if you collect Achivki, then a little longer. -A variety of types of enemies (with not the most pleasant eye rendering). -Only one boss (final). As a result: The game is relatively fun, that's just a drawing on the lover, plus a stack of Peruvian politicians, which we do not care about, make this game calculated clearly not all players. Are you Peruvian? Take it bravely. Are you Russian? You can play, but IMHO is platformers and interesting. Six political tracks out of 10.
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