Godspeed (Dino0040, Rozzo, KBMusicandSFX, dunkelgrau)
Godspeed is a game about making it through a desert with your nomad tribe towards more prosperous land.
- Left click or hold to select units
- Right click to assign a task
- "R" restarts the run
- "Escape" loads the beautiful main menu
- Select the next few steps your caravan will take on the world map
- The bars in the upper left corner show how many resources you have and how many resources you need if you don't want your tribe to die of starvation after the next real-time segment
- The lower the amount of units you take with you, the lower the resource demand
- Switch out the specialization of a unit by directing them towards the designated wagon
- Scavenge anything on the way to survive
- Bandits will try to destroy your brittle wagons, make sure they attack your sturdy warriors first
- Damaged wagons can be restored with wood and a bit of patience
UnitBasic humanCarpenterHunterWarriorWater CarrierGood AtFood collectionRepairing wagons and chopping down treesMaking quickly moving food stop movingAttacking other warriorsIdk, thats why he carries the waterWagon
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 18, 2021
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