Goldberg's Cursed House
You are a ghost in the house.
For years you were making beautiful contraptions out of whatever you had lying around.
Now, a tenant moved in. And he behaves like he owns the place. First he started cleaning and doing repairs. Now, he's throwing away your stuff!
Alright, you are going to make him leave... with whatever you've got left
Entry for Unexpected Jam 2020 by Jakub Miksa ( and Łukasz Biel (
Made in Godot!
How to play
In each level your goal is to hit the tenant with any physical object.
You can place objects from your inventory in game world. To do so
Select object by clicking on it (or using 0-9 keys)
Then place it, by clicking any of the spots marked with
You can also retrieve placed objects back, by clicking them again
Finally, when you're done, press [SPACE] or click ghost and watch your creation do it's bidding!
Jakub Miksa - programming, level design, ui design
Łukasz Biel - Music and 2D Art, also level design
Assets used:
tenant character art by Evgeny D
main menu house diorama by Zhenya -
Ghost Brush by azetype -
Gravity by Vincenzo Vuono -