Golem Quest
Your golem obeys your every command... but you only have a handful of glyphs to command it with. But those glyphs can do a lot, since your golem loops through the glyphs you summon it with.
Pick the right glyphs to puzzle your way through 9 levels and find the rare Golem Grimoire.
A puzzle game made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 47. The theme was "stuck in a loop".
How to play
- Modify the glyphs assigned to the golem in the left panel by clicking to add or remove different glyphs.
- When you're ready, click Summon and the golem will start looping through your commands.
- Reach the portal in each level to progress.
- If you learn a new glyph, you can use it in that level - just update the assigned glyphs and re-summon the golem.
By celia14/@etc_celia and rose11/@RoseKeller418.