Goof Ball
Goof Ball is a couch multiplayer game that is focused solely on being FUN. Simple mechanics. Simple graphics. Simply awesome.
Basic Gameplay: Maneuver your player and use a bat that you control with the right stick on your controller.
Game Modes:
- Soccer: Get the ball into the opposing teams goal.
- Sumo: Don't get pushed or launched into the goals (this includes either one of the goals).
- Attack/Defend: The goals disappear and reappear at regular intervals.
- Paint: When you make a goal the ball changes to your team color and "paints" the background wherever it goes until the other team makes a goal. Your team must have more area painted than the other team when time runs out.
More game modes, features, and improvements are to come.
Note: Controllers required. No single player. Only local multiplayer. Meant to be played with friends.