Goofy Soccer 2 - The Maestro
The game is pretty much in shape and playable. Though, there are some bugs in the beta. Please test and write your comments.
Major Keyboard Controls (can be customized in Settings):Direction (arrow) keys: Sets aim direction of shoots, passes, dribbling etc.
Q: kick strong high, W: kick gentle high, E: juggle
A: kick strong low, S: kick gentle low, D: dribble
Space: change curve
Hint: Press Space to change the direction of the curve. Press Space two times quickly and the curve will toggle it's magnitude (strong to gentle, gentle to strong).
Quick Guidance to Play Football:Dribbling: Press direction keys and press D
Hint: If you don't press D or other kick keys your player will not touch the ball.
Kicking of any kind (shooting, passing, tipping etc.): Press direction keys and press Q, W, A, or S
Hint: Consider using Space to change curve before shooting and passing.
Tackling and Slide-kicking: Press S or W two times quickly.
Other Keyboard Controls (cannot be customized):1: Open/Close Menu
2: Help
3: Replay
4: Toggle full screen
5 & 6: Change camera
Have fun!