Gothic 2 reviews

«Gothic 2» - was moved away from the dark and gray atmosphere of «Gothic 1» and has gone in the direction of a brown-green fantasy world.

Sure you'll also die from two wolf bites, but the world is more friendly to you, since you're now «The Chosen One!» I enjoyed going back to the colony more in chapter two.

It's where I finally felt at home. The city of «Khorinis» itself and its surroundings did not impress me.
The best game ever, even better with Night of The Raven. I have played it at least ten times and loved each and every part of it. The mix of linearity and open world is perfect. Add here a really good combat system, compelling story, interesting dialogs, hard grey-shaded choices with consequences, beautiful environment and fantastic music. Exploring is so interesting and rewarding that you may forget about your wife and kids, which is the only bad thing about it. :-)
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»