We've all played Asteroids! I mean, we've played it a lot. The game is forty years old. And we love Asteroids! But we can make it better. Stronger. Faster. Harder. Newer!
Gravitroids is much like Asteroids, but you have a gravity well to worry about in the middle of the field. This well, a star, will attract the asteroids, your ship, and your bullets to it! Each round contains three 'roids to destroy.
This game is in development. In the future, the between-missions store should have unique upgrades available. There will be more types of debris, likely a separate currency from your score, new weapons, and enemies. Likely we'll also have new suns. At this point, though, I am willing to say that the game isn't just playable, it's actually a lot of fun; so time to put it up!
I'm learning Godot alongside Unity, because I feel every developer should. So, it seemed wise to try my hand at a few simple projects before I dive into anything huge. (The engine is actually quite effective for 2D stuff.) So far I'm liking it and working fast, so these updates shouldn't be long coming.
Those who want to keep an eye on future projects should follow me on my Patreon.