Gravity Studios
KNOWN BUGS ! This is the list of bug i found on this game because i haven't test it properly due to the lack of time
1. All malware haven't destroyed but you proceed into next level
2. Major bug at The end level, that 6th level that has only one ball and one way is actually the end screen, but the subtitle is completely wrong and you cant proceed to main menu again because of invalid code (the only way to replay the game is reloading the website)
3. The subtitle is really incorrect on stage 3-5
4. Typo on subtitle
5. Arrow key default control is enabled, which mean player can move the ball using arrow key while actually its not allowed
6. Somehow the control is not working after few bugs encountered
Hello and welcome to Gravity Studios
This is the place where we destroy Computer Malware using Gravity & Rotation.
Tap right or left button to rotate the map and lead the Malware Destroyer Ball touch the Malware, so the malware is destroyed.
Enjoy this Story-Driven Puzzle games and challenge your brain to complete all the levels !
This game is submitted for Kenney Game Jam 2021 with theme "Rotation"
Currently this short game has total of 5 Levels (Chapter 1), i will continue updating this game after the game jam vote session is ended. The next update will feature Chapter 2, allow to change language, and added voice over with choosed language !