Gravless (Muragami)
A prototype block laying game inspired by the infamous Tetris for Lovejam 2023.
It has a placement bug I need to track down think that is fixed!, and it's hard as hell to get a game over, but this is what I came up with in about 20 hours of work.
Credits didn't make it into the game, but the sound effects are all jsfxr or pixabay stock, and the music is by the awesome Stevia Sphere, check out their bandcamp for chill vibes!
It has keyboard support: arrow keys + Z, X and WASD + ',' + '.' you can also use any attached joystick that has gamepad mapping for the dpad and b / a buttons.
There is no tutorial in this version, but here is an example of clearing a board:
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Mar 3, 2023
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