In the ironically named city of Luminae, private detective Sam Grayson mourns the loss of his partner. Before he can begin the search for the killer, a stunning drow strides in the door. She is looking for her missing fiancee, and is willing to pay as much as it takes. Reluctantly, Grayson takes the case, hoping for easy money. But all is not as it seems...
A classic film noir detective story set in a standard fantasy world. It is an RPG, but plays more like an adventure in some ways.
- New (ish) engine!
- (mostly) grayscale graphics
- RPG/adventure gameplay
- A mystery storyline with plenty of twists
- Fitting jazz/classical soundtrack
- Actually quite a lot of stock assets
Created for BCIT Game Dev Club, September-October 2017. The themes were "grayscale fantasy", "bullet hell", and "10-second gameplay". This game is based around the first (natch).
Built with RPG Maker MV, using largely stock assets. This is my first real project with this engine, though I've used RPG Maker VX Ace in the past.