Grenade Gauntlet
This is a game from the horribly beautiful mind of Elliott Sussman with character art From the talented Andrew Ignacio. You play as a violent mercenary forced to kill criminals by the US government Suicide Squad style. You may be forced to consider the morals of killing countless people for your own survival and realize that humans where the real monsters all along or you may think its a fun game with a funny looking pixel dude. This game will require you to make quick decisions using WAD to move and jump with the addition of pressing S to fast fall for tight maneuvers well using E to dash and clicking to shoot your Grenade launcher like a real American. You will need to aim your shots well unless you want to die in real life. If you die to some BS it is your fault for making the wrong decision and not bad game design on Elliott Sussman's Part. This game is extremely rewarding to beat and feathers great original music by Elliott Sussman you can play it your self by downloading and unzipping the attached file. And don't forget once you enter the Gauntlet you can never truley leave it.
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: May 14, 2021
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