Gridlock Solitaire
Gridlock Solitaire is a patience variant that is modern in design but vintage in its conception. You can either play or download the digital version or use the rules below to play with a physical deck of cards.
Remove the kings and jokers from a standard deck of playing cards. (These cards are not part of the game.) Thoroughly shuffle the remaining 48 cards. Deal the cards face up into a 7x7 grid leaving one space empty.
Discard all of the cards.
1. You may move a card onto a neighboring pile provided there is a another card of the same suit or rank in that direction.
2. Only the top card of a pile counts towards whether a card may be moved.
3. You may only move a card up, down, left or right.
4. Only the top card of a pile can be moved.
5. You may only move one card at a time.
6. No card may be placed on empty spaces.
7. If a card is placed directly on top of another card of the same suit or rank, both cards must be immediately discarded.
8. Have fun!