Gridworld (itch)
Gridworld is an artificial life simulator in which abstract virtual creatures compete for food and struggle for survival. Conditions in this two-dimensional ecosystem are right for evolution to occur through natural selection. Creatures live short and replicate fast. Evolution can therefore be observed in hours instead of thousands of years.
How to use it?The cool thing about evolution is that it is an autonomous process that requires no guiding hand.
You can simply start a simulation and take your hands of completely. When you come back to check after a day or two, you will find a thriving eco system of virtual creatures. You can do more than just simply observing though. Gridworld's simulations are highly customizable.
The user interface allows you to tweak any simulation parameter or change the environment as you like. This way you can set up your own experiments and watch as your creatures adapt to the world and conditions that you provide for them.