Grim (mairings)
Are you ready to live the story of the boy whose village was brutally destroyed and whose soul was taken over by the devil?
Move Keys:
W, A, S, D
R = Dash
Combo Keys
Sword :
Left Click + Left Click + Left Click :
Throws the sword after 2 straight hits, teleports to the sword after a distance and burns the pass.
Left Click + E + Left Click :
Sword swing, on the left click after the scythe strike, he uses his sword to swing his sword left and right in a narrow area (large enough to teleport and burn the pass) very quickly
Left Click + Right Click + Right Click :
Right-clicking on the sword ax hit creates ax hits that spread like electric shocks between enemies.
Right Click + Right Click + Right Click :
The first two right clicks are normal ax swings. when the third right hand comes into play; Emits hit particles in harmony with the Standing Melee Attack 360 High animation
Right Click + E + Right Click :
Character multiplies his axes and makes them go inside and out. When axes multiply and move from the inside out, they repel enemies.
Right Click + Right Click + E :
Ax throws particles into a cone-shaped area to break off a limb.
E + E + E :
Bring a giant scythe over the players head and hit ground. Every enemy hit by the scythe knocked up for brief moment.
E + Left Click + E :
Spawn a giant scythe in front of the player then pull it to the player. Enemies hit by the scythe pulled to the player and knocked back afterwards.
E + E + Left Click :
Spawn two giant scythes left and right to the player. Then the scythes moved to the in front of the player drawing a half circle. Enemies hit by the scythes knocked back to the place where the blade of the scythes would collide.
Köyü vahşice yok edilen ve ruhu şeytan tarafından ele geçirilen çocuğun hikayesini yaşamaya hazır mısınız?
Hareket Tuşları:
W - A - S - D
R = Işınlanma
Combo Tuşları
Sol Tık + Sol Tık + Sol Tık
Sol Tık + E + Sol Tık
Sol Tık + Sağ Tık + Sağ Tık
Sağ Tık + Sağ Tık + Sağ Tık
Sağ Tık + E + Sağ Tık
Sağ Tık + Sağ Tık + E
E + E + E
E + Sol Tık + E
E + E + Sol Tık
Devoloper Team :
Kaan Kurtuluş,
Eyüp Yılmaz,
Behzat Zihni,
Velat Ökçen
Art Team:
The King Of The Art " Ata Koçak"
Design and SFX Alper Efe
Midjourney AI Via. Life Savior