Growing Together
The game Growing Together was made for the Kenney Game Jam 2022 (theme: Growth) . All assets (visual and audio) are from The music was made by Nananeos.
Your goal is to earn enough stories to tell when you are old. Through space missions your crew of 4 members will destroy meteorites and enemy ships. But be afraid of old age, as it never comes alone.
The Game:The game is a classic space shooter, but with the crew of the spaceship getting older (growing). It was made by me, in less than 48 hours.
Rules:Each mission, will be completed when the Timer ends.
The Timer will reset each time an enemy bullet or an enemy touches you, or when an enemy gets past the left end of the screen.
Yellow bullets spawn automatically, or by enemy ships and are invincible.
- Move with WASD/Arrow keys
- Shoot with Space/Left Click
- Retreat: Delete/Right Click
It is wise to keep some easy (1/2) missions for when your crew gets old. Try hard missions (4/5) when most people in the crew are close to their 40th year.
Don't try to hit the yellow bullets, they are invincible, instead try to attack all meteorites and enemy spaceships before they reach the left side of the screem
- Pilot: Controls the inertia of the ship, High Skill->High acceleration & brakes, Low Skill->slow acceleration & brakes
- Gunner: Controls how straight the bullets will be leaving the spaceship, High skill->straight bullets, Low skill-> the bullets may start askew
- Loader: Controls the Fire Rate, High skill->many bullets per seconds, Low skill->less bullets per second
- Tank: Whoever is in the anti-growth tank, will stop growing (cryosleep) when the mission takes place.
*if the person's age is close to 40, then they have High Skill, if their age is away from 40 (too young, or too old) then they have Low Skill