Guard (Proof of Concept)
Plays in a fictitious metropolis named "Akkra" in a distant future, where the world is a very scary place.
A tech corporation named "Guard" is self-declared protector and leader in a world, in which it is not clear, what is righteous and what is fraudulent. Supreme technology in the hands of everyone is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb...
The game is currently in development. The main character in the current Proof of Convept (PoC) state is a placeholder. The puzzles and riddles are not final and subject to change. The PoC demo ends at the first level.
Our goal with this game is not primarily entertainment, but moreover to make the player think and draw parallels to the world we are living in today and ultimately change it for the better.
Please feel free to comment and give feedback so we can improve the game. We really appreciate your time!
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Thank you for playing!!