Guiding Blade
Made for the IVGD Frogjam - Winter 2022 game jam
Damien Mojzak (me): Programming/UI
Juan Osorio: Art/Modelling/Animation/Dialogue/Level Design
Both: Game Design/Project Management/QA
Music: Garden Sword by Bortelby (
Welcome to Guiding Sword, a game about a young person who finds themselves lost in a magical garden and they need to find a way out! You meet a sentient sword, who helps you out, even if they didn't want you bothering them in the first place!
To get the best experience, we highly recommend to play with a gamepad. If not, it can be played with a keyboard if necessary. We hope you enjoy what we created and we would love to hear from you about your experience! Any and all feedback is appreciated, you can share your thoughts in the comments or by filling out this Google form:!
Movement (Keyboard)
W / Up Arrow: Move Forward
S / Down Arrow: Move Backwards
A / Left Arrow: Strafe Left
D / Right Arrow: Strafe Right
E: Interact/Talk
Spacebar: Attack/Aiming
Escape: Pause Menu while in-game
Movement (Gamepad)
Left Stick/DPad: Movement
South Key: Attack/Aiming
West Key: Interact/Talk
Start Button: Pause while in-game