Gun And Wheel
A game made for NYU's Game Design course in Spring 2023.
The central premise for this game was "Game Feel". We were tasked with making anything so long as it had 4 game-feel elements that could be toggled on and off. This game definitely fulfills those requirements as it has Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, Vignette, Camera Shake, Animations, SFX, Particle FX, and some Music. The idea of this game is a twist on platforming as most platformers require jumping but this game restricts your jumping ability, and you have to move using your gun. Just this one concept alone makes platforming more interesting, but we combined it with obstacles and enemies to make a good but difficult 1-Level demo for this prototype.
Hope you enjoy this game!
LoreSome mad scientist strapped a gun onto a sentient wheel... why? why would you do that?
SFX (Some from that website and some created by us)
All art is done by us
Presentation Link