.hack//Infection Part 1

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The line between reality and imagination cross wires in The World, an gripping new game that may never let go. 14-year-old Kite is about to learn the unbelievable secrets hidden in this new net obsession when his friend Orca is suddenly struck into a coma in real life while fighting a monster in the game world. Somewhere in the digital realm must lie an explanation for his friend's state, and Kite is determined to travel deep into The World to rescue his friend.

The mystery and adventure will unfold in .Hack, an action-packed new RPG saga set inside The World. As Kite, players will journey into the imaginary game world on an epic quest that will unite you with other intrepid explorers and send you into battle against a legion of monsters. This all started as just a game, but now the threats are very real, leading you to answer the question: what is The World?

Uniting the talents of "Neon Genesis Evangelion" character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, "Ghost In The Shell" co-screenwriter Kazunori Ito, and "Noir" animator Kochi Mashimo, .Hack will take you somewhere beyond your wildest connections.

Release date
CyberConnect2 Co.
Bandai Namco Entertainment, Bandai
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PlayStation 2

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Last Modified: Oct 7, 2024

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.hack//Infection Part 1 reviews and comments

The good:
+ Soundtrack is lit, probably the only memorable thing from my experience with this game
+ Customizable desktop, email and the forum sections all adds to the immersion
+ Big variety of monsters to slay forces you to utilize many different strategies
+ Battles using menus ain't that bad, I'd say combat is a good thing in this game, although many players will surely not like it

The bad:
- Already mentioned emails are written in such an awkward way that makes me think if the writers had any social interactions before contributing to the game (all dialogues in this game are freakin' awkward, not only emails)
- This leads us to the main plot, which takes about 10% of the entire game? I mean, there was some story at the beginning, a little bit in the middle of the game, and some of it at the end - the rest of the story feels like it's made of filler episodes
- Most of our party members are annoying and AWKWARD - there are like 2 or 3 characters I can consider interesting
- The field exploring made me want to give up this game - it's just so repetitive and boring
- Want to know what's also repetitive and boring? Dungeons. There are few types of these, but their layouts are too similar to be enjoyable to explore
- There are too many things that will only make sense after a research or using a guide - such as Grunty and food system, trading, using keywords to create a dungeon in which you want to find certain particular things (all is "explained" in the game, but as a beginner to the series it didn't do much to me, maybe I'm dumb though)
- Game pauses after obtaining EVERY. SINGLE. ITEM. (you'll get a loooooot of them during your playthrough)

The only thing that made me want to try out next installments in this series is the ending, which gave me some hope that the plot is going to get interesting. That doesn't change the fact that this was by far the most boring JRPG experience I had, sorry to say. And I really wish the characters would be much better written, because at first glance a lot of them seems interesting.. but then their flat personalities show up.
«Game over at last!»
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