Hair of the Dog (itch)
A 2 player game in which one player is bitten by a mysterious dog a must capture the player (the dog) to return to their human form.
"Hair of the Dog" was made by three mates after an all night drinking session at our favorite bar Yes Please Perth. The rules were simple have a big night and use the creativity of our drinking brains to design a short game then attempt to make use of our hangovers. The game was made in around 5-8 hours and should be seen as more of a game jam style game.
Aaran Gicquel - Music, Programming (@InsoleGames, )
Ellie Balson - Art, Level Design, Concepts (@bideobames, )
Miles Hansen - Programming, Game Design, Suffering (@EchidnaStudio)
Please Note:
The Game currently only has controller support please use the input tab in the Unity Launch window to configure controllers.