HAMSTAR: a space journey
▲ HAMSTAR : a space journey ▲
► Ascend through the sky, the infinite space, and even beyond, with an incredible Hamster explorer, welcome to HAMSTAR : space journey !
► Use the immense power of Stars to increase your energy, and then, active your ULTRA-POWERFUL OVERLOADED HAMSTER-TURBO to travel through the universe with your intense high speed.
► This game was created during a gamejam at LISAA school in 48h. The theme was "Ascension".
► Left click on stars
► Click on screen to ascend
► Click on the Turbo button when you can
► Post your best chrono on the comment section
► Don't play without music, and don't skip the intro !!
Julialalart https://twitter.com/julialalart
Bastinus Rex https://twitter.com/BastinusRex
♪♫ The music is "Genesis" by Justice ♪♫