Hand Cram
Hand Cram is a Pico-8 game that fits into just two tweets (that's less than 560 characters!).
It's based on a small web game I made a while back!
Arrows control the white circle
ESDF control the red circle
(yes, Pico-8 uses ESDF not WASD)
X to reset the game
You can reset by clicking the pause button and selecting "reset cart"
If the two circles touch you lose.
When a circle touches a dot of the opposite color it gets bigger (bad!)
When a circle touches a dot of the same color, it gets a little smaller (good!)
Survive as long as you can!
Source CodeYou can see it on twitter here
t=0g=0r=rnd w=128b=abs o=circ::_::if g>0then pal({5,2},1)print("score:"..t,9,9,7) if(btn(5))t,g=0,0 else if(t<1)a={9,9,88,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,40,0,88} i=btn()pal({7,8},1)t+=1 for k=0,200do o(r(w),r(w),5,0)end for k=0,10do s=2^k l=s*2 a[k+3]+=band(i,l)/l-band(i,s)/s end for k=0,1do x=a[3+k*8]y=a[5+k*8]s=a[k+1]o(x,y,s,1+k)o(x,y,s+2,1+k) for c=0,w do srand(c+t)if r(8)<1then p=1+flr(r(2))z=r(w)o(c,z,4,p) if(sqrt((x-c)^2+(y-z)^2)<s)a[k+1]+=b(1+k-p)/5-.01end end if(k==1 and sqrt((x-a[3])^2+(y-a[5])^2)<s+a[1])g=1 if(b(64-x)>66or 66<b(64-y))g=1end end flip()goto _If you own Pico-8, you can run this on your machine by copy/pasting the above code into a new cart.
You can also download the cart directly if you'd like.
Reply to that tweet with your high score!
(Note: I updated the code slightly to add a reset function. Still under 560 characters!)