A game made by Bit-Hack
- https://github.com/bit-hack
- https://bit-hack.net
- https://bithack.itch.io
HARDPOINT is my entry for the 2021 Bullet Hell game jam. See the gamejam link (https://itch.io/jam/bullet-jam-2021).
You can see hardpoint in action here:
In HARDPOINT you fight endless waves of precedurally generated bosses. Your ship has a machine gun to weaken enemies and the engines can be discharged to dash quickly letting you avoiding bullets. Once a bosses weapons are all destroyed it will self destruct, making way for the next boss.
In a nutshell... dodge incomming bullets, never stop shooting, aim for its guns (the white circles), dash to get out of danger.
- WSAD / Cursor Keys are for Ship Movement
- Mouse does the Targeting
- Hold Left Mouse Button to Fire
- Press Space to Dash (it has a cooldown)
Note, there is also really hacky XBox360 controller support with the left shoulder being "dash" and right shoulder being "fire". To start the game with joystick support, just nudge one of the shoulder buttons from the menu. Oh yeah, and Left stick moves, right stick aims.
Note, if you dont want to play with the audio, just rename the data folder to something else and the game wont play any sounds.
If you want the source-code pester me and i'll clean it up and make the github repo public. Its a bit messy at the end of the jam :
This game was made over the course of one crazy week, C++ using the SDL2 library and OpenGL for rendering.
SFXR and Audacity were used to make the sound effects.
One "warning" sound came from https://www.zapsplat.com
I used Ableton Live to make the music.
Big thanks to Mark for playtesting the game!