Harlequin (itch)
Created for Ludum Dare 34's "2 Button Controls" theme. I'm hoping to work on it post-jam and turn it into a full game, so I'll call this a prototype for now.
Take charge of The Harlequin, the most advanced* ship in Abstract Space, and blast those Things out the ... 'air' because of... Reasons. Good luck!
*your mileage** may vary.
**mileage as a concept may not exist in Abstract Space.
Controls & Rules
- The Harlequin will move up & down automatically.
- Left or Right click to change direction of auto-fire.
- Click again in the same direction to inverse The Harlequin's colours.
- Enemies are only killed by bullets of their colour.
- The spearheads on each end of The Harlequin will damage enemies of the same colour.
- Don't get hit by enemies!
- Get a high score!