Harvest Hustle (tzdevil)

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Welcome to Harvest Hustle! You are a farmer trying to make a living by thinking a few days ahead and making strategic plans.

There is no in-game tutorial, so please read the section below.

How to play?

  • Use the menu on the left to buy seeds for gold and plant them in the field on the right.
  • End the day so that your seeds can grow and you can earn gold by harvesting them.
  • But beware, planting and harvesting seeds is a move-consuming process - and you only have 5 moves each day. 
  • Some seeds can take more than 1 move, while harvesting them only takes 1 move.
  • Some seeds can take more than 1 day to become harvestable, so be careful when buying!
  • Cost and Income change every two days according to certain values. You should pay attention to these when buying.
  • Each day you don't harvest a seed that is due, it will lose 20% of its value, so think carefully about what to spend your moves on.
  • You lose a certain amount of money every day, and this value increases every three days, so pay attention to the seeds you plant.
  • If your money is below 0 AT THE END OF THE DAY, you will LOSE!

You can access the Source Code from my GitHub.

Developer Note: 

This game has been developed in under 8 hours for Ludum Dare 52's Compo mode. I recorded how much time I spent on things: it's 1 hour of brainstorming, 3 hours and 30 minutes of coding, 1 hour and 15 minutes of designing and 1 hour and 30 minutes of doing other things like uploading to websites & getting build. 

I believe I'm quite decent at coding - but not so good at game design. So I would like you to criticize this prototype a bit more in terms of source code :) I didn't have much time to devote to this Ludum Dare, I could have only spent one day. Thanks for playing!

I plan to add features like Shop and Undo sometime after Jam; and I will balance the game.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2023

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