Hatchlings is the first game made for my 1 game every week for 1 year challenge !
It's a submission for the WEEKLY GAME JAM - WEEK 45, the theme being : Hatch an Egg !
The rules are simple : every turn, you must blow on an egg (with SPACE) which will increase it's power. Each turn lasts a random amount of seconds (between 5 and 15). If you're still blowing on your egg when time runs up, your egg will hatch ! But if it hatches with a low power, then chances are high you'll lose the game (played against 1 to 3 other players) !
So how long will you risk blowing on the egg to increase it's power ?
For more about me check out my Youtube channel (plenty of Unity tutorials, behind the scenes and devlogs ) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Z1XWw1kmnvOOFsj6Bzy2g?view_as=subscriber