Heart (MichaelStewart)
This game was created as a token of love for my wife.
We both recently had to say goodbye to both of our fur babies: Ringo and Juliette.
This project is not made for commercial use. I do not own the rights to the music or art assets listed.
I developed this game using Unreal Engine 5. I was lucky enough to pull together numerous assets that fit my vision for the project. I do not own the rights to the music or art assets listed. Those assets and artists I'll list and credit below:
2D Assets:
- NVPH Studio - Sprite assets were edited/colored
- https://nvph-studio.itch.io/dog-animation-4-different-dogs
- Clembod - Sprite assets edited/colored.
- https://clembod.itch.io/warrior-free-animation-set
- RP Bricks - Animation of sprite edited in Unreal
- https://rp-bricks.itch.io/heart-rotate-spritesheet
- Jesse Munguia - Sprite assets were edited/colored
- https://jesse-m.itch.io/jungle-pack
- Mirguiso - Sprite assets were edited/colored
- https://mirquiso.itch.io/evil-black-cat
Unreal 3D Assets/Shaders:
- Sandvector Studios - Cartoon Water Shader Lite
- https://www.unrealengine.com/.../cartoon-water-shader-lite
- StylArts - Stylized Fantasy Provencal
- https://www.unrealengine.com/.../stylized-fantasy-provencal
- Gabro Media - Old Brick House
- https://www.unrealengine.com/.../product/old-brick-house
The music in the game and video is from David Housden (website below).
These tracks are from a game called "Lost Words: Beyond the Page"
David Housden is one of my all-time favorite composers. The music used were tracks that inspired me while designing and creating this game. The tracks are listed and linked below.
- A Writer Writes:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6-dPl_8O5c...
- Journal:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IanJ_skaLwM...
- Estoria:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBADu-kRlnw...
- Ascension:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOKKx1F-G-M...