Hen Rescue Hero
You have 60 seconds. Rescue as many chickens as possible by catching them and putting into the nest.
Beware, there is a side effect of catching too many chickens at once: you move slower and at some point you might even overheat (and let loose all of the already caught chickens).
- CLICK ON THE GAME AREA FIRST, otherwise input won't get registered
- keyboard left and right arrows
- or A and D
- or gamepad DPad
- or gamepad sticks
Some features that I wanted to implement, but didn't manage before jam's deadline:
- touch controls in a mobile web version (have them working in another repo, but need to port it here yet)
- basic animations like chickens falling down from the robot in result of overheating
- fancy animations like visual feedack about score being incremented
- music!
- and many, menu more… 🙂
Source code: https://github.com/beetrootpaul/hen-rescue-hero