Heritage Game Jam 2020 - Ari
You may get the newest release here:
still don't know what I'm allowed to claim. Everyone around me have more of a
claim to being Indian or Chinese than I ever will, and it feels wrong to claim
that I’m either – it almost feels as if I’m an imposter."
- Inspired by Florence and the stories of our dear friends, we bring you Ari.
- Follow Ari - a child born from an interracial couple, as she journeys through life, and tries to find a balance between both sides of her heritage.
Special thanks to HGJ Narrative Advisor (Dr) Sim Jiaying!
Programmers: Saw Han Soo, Grace Chua and Chong Jun Yi
Audio Designers: Avik Chari and Wesley Wong
Game Designer: Edwin Chan
Motion Designer: Srikesh Sundaresan
Made with Unity