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Very early prototype of a turn based model/card war game. Very early prototype needs stressing, since there aren't even cards! 
I wasn't planning on uploading, but over the weekend I made a lot of headway on core mechanics and thought it might be fun for others to mess around with.

There is no AI, you'll either control both players or have a friend IRL (Or through screen share?) control the other player.

How To Play:

The game is almost entirely mouse driven. The Goal is to destroy the other guy's base (Comm Center) by attacking it. You attack with models(units, game pieces, dudes), located in the Army Box on the left side of the screen. Press the buttons to open the compartments which have the models. Ones with a green halo are playable. Those without summoning notes next to them are summoned on your side of the board. Ambush means you can summon them next to enemy models, flanking means you can summon them on either side of the board, and deepstrike means any open space. Models with battlecries that target (The Devastator is the only one) will require you to target that before you play it. You can cancel by right clicking.

Once a model is on the board, it can move and (if it wasn't just played) attack. Green halo means it has a move, yellow means it can attack. You must move before you attack, or you forfeit the move. Right click a unit that hasn't move to attack with it (foregoing the move). Or, left click it, wait a half second, and left click it again. When attacking, melee units attack adjacent, ranged units can target two tiles away. Melee units trade damage when they fight, ranged units never counterattack, nor suffer a counterattack. The icons when you attack will tell you what's going to happen (crossed swords for trade, sword for melee with no counterattack, cross hairs for ranged attack, skull if the attack kills the dude). Ranged units can shoot over friendly units, but not through enemies. If a taunt unit is in range of an attack, a taunt must be targeted (use it to protect your ranged dudes).

How resources work

You have mana per turn which ramps by 1 each turn, up to 6. The mana cap grows by 1 each turn up to 12. Until 8 mana, your cap will always be one higher than your mana per turn, and mana carries over, so if you floar 1 mana you will be ahead 1 mana the following turn.


Q: What engine?
A: GMS:2
Q: This looks a lot like hearthstone
A: Yep. 
 Q:Seriously, you call it mana. 
A: I'll change it later.  
Q:You're using 40k art, too... is Blizzard or Games Workshop gonna sue you? 
A:They already have, don't worry. 
Q:Will this have online? 
A: I'm planning on it! I've been chipping away at features, and I'm really surprised how far I've gotten given the number of hours I've put in, so I'm excited to see if I can get that far.
Q: There's a bug/crash/something happened that didn't make sense to me!
A: Lemme know what happened exactly! Most of the reason I'm posting this is hoping you guys crash it so I can find stuff before it's too hard to fix. If it crashes, please copy past the text.
Q:This is cool!
A: Thanks!
Q:This sucks!
A: Thanks!
---I'll edit this with more stuff if I think of anything else, or if somehow I get asked something enough

Patch1: Fixed crash on victory screen
Cards Update: Cards and deck are implemented, as well as a couple models with ongoing effects, and stealth. The button next to your deck can be used to spend 1 mana to draw a card once per turn. Hand limit of 7.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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