Hey Buddy, Repair My Wheel !
This game has been made during the Global GameJam 2020. In a group with 5 other mates, I've mainly worked on the project management and the Game Design of this prototype.
This game is meant to be played with another player in local versus 6 other players online. You can play alone but you are not going to have the expected experience.
*****PLAY IT ON FULLSCREEN***** Pitch :“Hey buddy, repair my wheel!” is a multi-player cooperative asymmetrical 2D-topdown racing game. In “HB, RMW!”, you and your ally control a vehicle during frantic races! While one driver collects the parts, the other must attack the others or repair his own vehicle.
Xbox controller:
Driver :
- Directional arrows / left joystick: movement
- R2 / RT: acceleration
- L2 / LT: brake
Engineer :
- LB / L1 & RB / R1: change of plan
- Cross / A: repair
- RT / R2: Open attack menu
- Round / B: attack player 3
- Triangle / Y: attack player 2
- Square / X: attack player 1