Hidden Entry
Warning: Game volume may be loud. Also, if you end up falling , you may need to reload the game again. My apologies for that!
You are in a dungeon with a laser to shine the light on these accursed one eyed monsters hidden within the walls. Your goal is to use your laser to find the hidden keys somewhere within the walls while being careful of shining light on the hidden one eye monsters. After you collect all the keys hidden in the level, you can escape to the next level. Each level contains one extra key you need to find. Becareful, you never know how many hidden monsters are lurking in the shadows..,
A and D movement
Space to jump
P to pause/unpause game
Click and hold the left mouse button to shoot your laser. The laser is a charge up so give it a few seconds to shoot.
Tip: You can press R to reload a bit faster. Also, you can stick to walls to make it to other block platforms.
This game was made for the Trijam #100 with my theme being: Retro Games. The time it took to make this game was 2 hours and 29 minutes.
Unity Asset used:
Free Pixel Font: Thaleah - TinyWorlds
Songs used:
Danger Streets by Shiru: https://soundcloud.com/shiru8bit/danger-streets?in=shiru8bit/sets/raw-chiptune
Strike the Earth(Plains of Passage) - Shovel Knight OST by Jake Kaufman
CastleVanias 2 by Kenichi Matsubara
After The Rain - Shiru https://soundcloud.com/shiru8bit/after-the-rain
Strange Memories of Death - Gimmick! by Masashi Kageyama and Naohisa Morota