High Noon (itch) (Alexandre Moreira)
This is a turn-based shooter game in which the player fights a Clint Eastwood-esq enemy. The player wins if Clint’s HP reaches zero.
During their turn, the player chooses between one of two dice to attack. The damage of the attack depends on how many dots in the chosen di correspond in their position to the di chosen by Clint. For example, if the player chooses 4 and the opponent chooses 3, this will result in 1 damage.
During Clint’s turn, the player chooses between two different dice for their defence and the same mechanic applies. For instance, if the player chooses 4 as defence and the CPU chooses 3 as an attack, this will result in 1 damage (as the middle dot is not present in the 4 di).
The twist is that a higher di doesn't always guarantee a better choice.
To select the di, simply click on it, and confirm your action by clicking on the button below. Have fun!
---more info---
Solo build. All art, music and code created specifically for the jam. Also, this is the first game I make by myself!