High Speed Train Robbery
My submission for 2021 GMTK Game Jam. The theme was "Joined Together". I admit, I didn't have any great idea for this year's game, its simple, its stupid, it tends to be silly at times, I just hope that it's not extremely tedious or boring. I know it's a bit buggy and the difficulty curve is all over the place. That might have something to do with the scope of the project and my mental stability getting lower and lower with each passing hour of development.
The game's about trying to get to safety with the whole trainload of money. Maintain the speed while trying to defend against a (mini) horde of bandits trying to detach your train cars.
Controls and instructions:
Arrow keys (or WASD) to move around (with UP being the jump).
Space to shoot when outside of locomotive or bang your wrench against it to make the train go faster (pretty sure it'll work the same in real world).
Making train go faster also replenishes health (because why not).
Gun reloads automatically when empty.
Have fun!