Highmeh's Cafe

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Welcome to Highmeh's Cafe!

Why don't you take a seat? Pick a word, draw a word, guess the word. Image Pictionary mixed with Broken Telephone.

Taking a seat in the game sits you at a table with random people. When the room leader starts the game, you choose a word. This is "your" word. You'll end up having to draw this word or passing it to someone else to draw. Someone else may be passing their word to you. Once you finish making a drawing, you pass your picture to someone else, and they try to guess what you were trying to draw! This keeps going until your word has had a chance to be drawn or guessed by everyone else in the game.

At the end, you'll see how the words transformed as people made mistakes in guessing or drawing them.

You can leave a game at any time, and you may only enter random games.

How to Play:

Clicking "Take a Seat" will put you in a room with other strangers. At the beginning of the game, your name is highlighted in blue at the top. If you're the only one in the room, then you have created a new room, and this means you are the leader.

As a leader, you can wait for as long as you want for people to come in. You must have at least one other person to start a game. Once a game is started, no one else can enter.

As a leader, you start the game by typing "/play" into the chat. 

At this point, you have about 10 seconds to pick a word you want to pass around the cafe. Now you're given a word to draw (yours or someone else's). Do your best to draw it on the chalkboard and watch the timer - you have don't have much time! Once you're done drawing, your masterpiece will be passed along to someone else to try and guess what it is. You'll be given your own drawing to guess. Use the header to type in your guess.

Once the timer turns red, the game is over. What follows is a series of transformations! The arrow on the top-right indicates where the guessing or drawing comes from. If the arrow points from the Canvas to the Header, that means someone used the Canvas drawing and guessed whatever is in the Header. If the arrow points from the Header to the Canvas, the means someone used the Header to make the drawing on the Canvas. The player choose choose the word is highlighted blue. 

After you see how the images have transformed, you have the canvas to yourself! Feel free to draw on the chalkboard, or leave the room and take another seat. 

Commands: '/play' starts the game once there are at least two players. '/time x' sets the given drawing time. If x = 0, then you get 15 seconds to draw, if x = 1, then you get 30 seconds to draw, if x = 2 then you get 60 seconds to draw, if x = 3 then you get 90 seconds to draw (default). These are the only times allowed, another other value resets to the default.

Notes: You'll note that this game is very similar to a physical board game called "Telestrations". This, I'm afraid to admit, is heavily inspired by that game. I thought it would be fun to make an online version!

Most of this game was made at TOJam 2020, although the online infrastructure was fairly prebuilt before TOJam weekend.

Big credits and huge thank yous to the floaters who did the music and art: Selin (beautiful chalk art) and Thiago (sauvy background and drawing music). 

Have fun!

Oh yeah, and the entire source code is on my github.


Broken Scribbles was the development name.

Bugs: There are many! Yup, this is what you get when you mix "online multiplayer" and "TOJam".

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Not rated

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Last Modified: May 15, 2020

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