Hit the Brakes (2020)
[Spacebar to Brake]
Hit the Brakes is a one-button time-trial racing game set on procedurally generated tracks created from the name you give it.
- Enter any track name: (using letters, numbers and spaces) in order to create a track.
- Master the track: keep racing and improving your time.
- Share & Compete: Take a screen shot, and share your track name and time with others in order to compete. #HitTheBrakesGame
You may need to click on the game for input to work (avoid pressing keys whilst game is loading, this sometimes causes issues).
- Press 'enter' once you've added the name of the track.
- Press 'space' to break.
- Press 'c' to toggle colour.
- Press 'esc' to reset.
Fonts used:
- Pacifico
- B612Mono
Sounds used:
- steel2008 - Race Start Ready go
- Eponn - Engine.wav
- Medartimus - Car Breaking Skid 01.wav
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Aug 31, 2020
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