Holems, Consulting Detective
Welcome to Holetown, USA a small, ordinary town named after it sole redeeming feature: it's bountiful waterhole. But alas trajedy has struck. Someone has poisoned the waterhole! Mayor Holesbrook has called upon you, Detective Holems, to reveal who would commit such a dastardly deed. Many of the townspeople suspect that it was done by someone from Pit Burg or Burrowborough, but you know otherwise. The culprit is in our midst! You will need to gather clues and make an accusation. Choose correctly and you will move on, Choose wrong and you lose. Good luck Detective
Post your highest score in the comments I will put the highest score along with that persons username in the credits at the end of the jam
This game was made for Brakeys jam 2020.1
Music by congusbongus. Link:
party horn SFX by InspectorJ. Link: