Which one do you use? And why? Do you think one is significantly better than the other?
So, it's been a few days since my last post. And if I thought I'd been struggling along before, now I'm REALLY struggling. I met so many hard bosses in a row, and so frequently, that i might as well be playing ds3. And I really didn't want to come here begging for aid, but I desperately need it. In my last post, I'd asked for the locations of dlc, as I really wanted to start them. Well, I sure retract that statement! I want to go back to not knowing about it. I found the circus people easy enough, thanks to all the help of the commentators, and I even got a cute bat thing from literally Batman. I hunted down a bunch of targets to feed the little bat, and even fought fancy Batman. But after getting my last set of flames...I'm in hell. I'm in hell and I have to keep fighting some 'Nightmare King'. And boy does he live up to that name! He's so incredibly fast and dangerous, and does TWICE the normal amount of damage every hit. I'm basically unable to ever heal or get more than one hit in for ages. And the fight goes on forever. But that's not all! I'm facing more problems, because of course I am! In the Kingdoms Edge, there's this Colosseum you can fight in, and for the life of me i can't finish it. I already completed its first two levels, but the third is so tough! Just waves and waves of enemies trying to slaughter you, and at one point you can't even heal or run on ground!So...yeah, that's tough. I'm not even going to comment on the dlc boss rush that's ruining me, would take too long. But seriously, is it supposed to be this tough? I already have 7 hearts and 2 upgrades to my weapon, i shouldn't be struggling this much right? Am i missing something? Any advice would be helpful.
Next I need to carve one with every single precept on it
Just lost 6k geo and feeling salty about it... whats your biggest Geo loss?