Hook Flag Foe
HOOK FLAG FOE is local multiplayer turn-based tactical card game! Its like tic tac toe on steroids. You got bigger grid, variety of cards to use and finally from 2 to 4 players involved. All this packed into pirate theme, so get ready! Arrrr!
Perfect game to play with friends, family and kids.
INSTRUCTION SETUP PLAYERS- Select number of players.
- Enter player names.
- Use ? button to randomize flags and icons.
Match is a set of games you play. Player with most game won is the winner!
GAMES LIST - is a list of games you will play during match. You can remove a game by selecting one and clicking REMOVE button.
GAMES AVAILABLE is a list of all games you can play. There are 5 standards games:
- Tic Tac Toe - classic tic tac toe
- Tic Boom Toe - bomb cards added
- Kick Tac Toe - kick cards added
- Tic Tac Twist - tornado cards added
- Kick Boom Twist - bomb, kick and tornado cards added
Standard games CANNOT be EDITED nor DELETED!
You can create your own CUSTOM GAME using NEW button, than add them to GAME LIST by selecting and clicking <- button in the middle of the screen.
It`s up to you how many game you want to play in a match. You can add one game several times to GAME LIST if you like, just select it in GAMES AVAILABLE and click <- button in the middle of the screen.
CUSTOM GAMEUse listed following to create your own game!
- Name - enter game name
- Turns - how long game will last
- Rows - number of rows in grid
- Columns - number of columns in grid
- Tiles to win - how many tiles player marks to win
- Cards on board
- select up to 3 different cards that will be spawned on the grid when game starts
- set number of cards to be spawned
- Mind that cards may be spawned on each other, destroying bottom card
- Player Cards - players starting inventory
LEFT side presents current player flag and inventory, Below there is timer indicating time to make move.
CENTER grid - presents current state of the game.
RIGHT player queue presents all player turns tille the end of the game.
- Mark empty tile with your flag by clicking on it
- Collect card from grid by clicking on it. Mind you have just 3 inventory slots!
- Use card - select it from you inventory - it will turn yellow. Click eiter on grid (bomb and tornado cards) or player order window (kick card). To deselect card click it again.
- TIME in bottom left corners is running down. If player makes no move his turn is lost
- Click SKIP button if you want to skip turn
- The game is played on a grid that's 3-6 squares by 3-6 squares.
- Random player starts game
- Player during his turn can do one of the following:
- Mark empty tile
- Collect card from tile (player can have up to 3 cards)
- Use card
- Skip turn
- The first player to get required number of his marks (3-6 depending on game) in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
- If there are 2 or more players with required number of marks, player order determines the winner.
Each card contains info about their impact -how many tiles or player in order queue will be affected, and shape:
- - horizontal
- | vertical
- D diamond shaped
- X x-shaped
- + plus shaped
- blank - square or not applicable
BOMB – Apply to grid. Bomb destroys all marked tiles and tiles with card in its range
TORNADO – Apply to grid. Tornado moves all marked tiles and tiles with card clockwise.
KICK – Apply to players queue. Kick removes players from queue, they will loose their turn.