Hoverbike Racing Prototype 0.1
This is a hoverbike racing game that I've been playing around with in UE4 for the past few months part-time. Most of the core gameplay is finished, but there's no win condition yet so basically infinite laps.
Just thought that I've been the only one looking at it for long enough, I'd love to get some eyes on it to see what people think.
There's no menu but there is controller support so your gamepad should work. Press ESC or Gamepad Menu button when you're finished playing.
Controls:Keyboard - WSAD, Shift (boost), Space (Jump), C (Change Camera).
Gamepad - Left Thumbstick, Right Trigger (Gas), Left Trigger (Brake), A\X (Boost), Y/Triangle (Camera), X\Square (Jump).
System Requirements:
Sorry, only Windows support right now. I'd imagine the minimum requirements are on par with what you need to run Unreal Engine 4
- Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
- 8 GB RAM
- DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 compatible graphics card (GTX 1060 or AMD RX580)
- 7.5 GB HD Space