How Do You Know?
How Do You Know? is a narrative puzzle game where a girl named Nova tries to help her friend Madeline realize she's being abused by her friends. Doing so isn't easy, but luckily Nova gets a bit of help along the way.
The concept of How Do You Know? was a finalist for the Jennifer Ann's Group Gaslighting Game Design challenge.
Use any key to make the text proceed.
Use the arrow keys to move your hand.
Use the mouse to rearrange the text and choose options.
The game is a little janky at times like during the puzzle scenes.
During any text message scenes you may need to scroll down ( with two fingers) to see the current message being typed out.
Programming and design done by @Gensuta
Background Art done by:@darcelisg
Character Sprites and UI art done by: @fwutepawnch
Music Done by: @itanriqui
Writing done by @kirij0