Hunt: The Unknown Quarry reviews

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"John, stop beating the passing stone Idol on the head!" "Calm down Freddie, everything is captured, if a person will react to the attack-he is a monster..." "Yes, and that poor fellow crawling in the basement with a stab wound in the heart area is also your handiwork?" "Yes it is by chance... Thought the Aspen stake in the heart only works on vampires... " So, before us the... A non-frequent genre in digital format, because it deprives us of one of the "charms of the Table"... Graphics, sound and interface: Graphics are not outstanding... Became popular Unity with simple textures, preserving the "original table View". The Sound consists of one (or two) musical theme, plus a few additional sounds to "map execution". The Interface in general is OK, you should get used only to a huge amount of information, spilling on You every turn. Gameplay: The Essence is simple: from 3 to 6 people were in a large manor, but only one of them is a monster. The Task-to identify the monster and destroy... The one of the hunters who struck the last blow-won. The Monster must "cripple" all the Hunters and escape. Initially, the difficulty lies in the fact that no one knows "who is who", besides the original unknown, what a monster in the game... And there is a whole variety of them-golem, Leach, Naga, Gorgon, Vampire, werewolf, spirit, rhubarb, etc... So at the start, everyone walks around the estate in search of "traces of the monster" to determine what they are dealing with and take the weapon against the right types. You Know, watering the holy water with Golema is useless, as well as a puddle of oak, the Problem lies in the fact that you can not immediately determine whether the specific damage "on the monster" your item or you two hunters and just trying to "to death" to stop each Other) Players-hunters can "cripple" each other, thus facilitating the life of the monster... After all, the "crippled" player can not throw a cube on 4, 5, 6 and moves much less. Cunning and deception, the main weapon in this game, because the monster is very alive, but quickly dies if it is revealed. Therefore, nothing prevents the monster to "pretend to his own", Beat the hunters on the head of the cross or choke some rope) Is A brief description of what awaits You, without details on some mechanics and opportunities. About The distribution system: Quite interesting and as it seems to me-the right approach. Unfortunately, most digital tinctures are doomed to "slow decay" in the depths of the Steam store due to their complexity. The Publisher approached the problem so-only the Host game should have the full version (ie buy the game), everyone else can download the free version and join. So if You have no friends have a desire to play, you can try your luck through the search host. Bottom line: Pretty hardcore... Requires the player to understand what he does, the logic, the attentiveness and the ability to cheat. It is because of this it will not be popular... I estimate the game to 8 out of 10, it is a very good thing, but not for everyone. However, You are given a chance to amuse her for free, only would be the Host.