Hyper Day 1
What is this?
Have fun with the classic soul of Galaga or Space Invaders!
Just a ship (yep, that's you) against dozens of enemies flooding the screen with bullets. But, of course, you can fight back: show'em how it's done!
How to play
Blast them off with your normal shots (mouse left click) or risk a dash-kill (mouse right click) to recover some of your missing health and energy (but make sure they are vulnerable before, though: otherwise you'll just crash into them).
You can move around with WASD keys (you can, and you will need to, that's for sure).
Oh, and there is also a SlowMotion feature (while you press Left Shift). It may be helpful. Or maybe you'll just see your death slower. Up to you!
Who are we?
> Ricard Juan Pujol <
Berserk-mode-programmer and amazing game developer. There's not an idea too hard to get done. Contact.
> Joel López Romero <
Art producer at the speed of light. Microscopic-accuracy-pixel artist and brilliant conceptist. Contact.
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Thanks for playing, and we hope you all have a great weekend!
Ours was hyper!
Also, don't forget to follow the rules so as not to get infected with Covid-19.
Stay home for as long as possible or wear a mask. We will get over this!