Hyperwave (itch)
Welcome to the NaBo System.
WASD - Move.
Space - Jump.
L.Ctrl (Left Control) - Floor Slide.
Left Click - Shoot.
Right Click (keeping pressed) - Special Shoot. Credits () { Emanuel Favaro (Trashcan Games) { 3D Art; Music; Game Desing; Level Desing; } Hernán Balda (Hernan) { -Scripting; -Game Design; -Level Design; } Bruno Fancaig (Fanca123) { -Scripting; -Game Desing; -Level Design; } } Tools () { Unity; Blender; Aseprite; }
Where we are all connected to the network!
You are That Good Boy.
You're a System Defense Node called to kill... clean the operating system of corrupted nodes within the UWW.
That's your only reasson to live :D
So, do your work, be a Good Boy.
Save us.
And... you will be rewarded...
Hyperwave it's a retro fps submerged in vaporwave aesthetics developed in 6 months as a career project.
Developer note:
Note that this game was done by students with a fixed timeline, if in the future would be updates, this ones will be in the graphic models for some levels. You also could see problems with collisions in some walls, performance problems (or low frame rate) and bugs with ai, this ones might not be fixed in the future. Also since there's no text in the tutorial, here are the controls:WASD - Move.
Space - Jump.
L.Ctrl (Left Control) - Floor Slide.
Left Click - Shoot.
Right Click (keeping pressed) - Special Shoot. Credits () { Emanuel Favaro (Trashcan Games) { 3D Art; Music; Game Desing; Level Desing; } Hernán Balda (Hernan) { -Scripting; -Game Design; -Level Design; } Bruno Fancaig (Fanca123) { -Scripting; -Game Desing; -Level Design; } } Tools () { Unity; Blender; Aseprite; }
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Dec 23, 2022
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