How to Play -
A and D for movement
Space for shoot
Left mouse click for buttons.
The Story
Once upon a time there was a world called “Marziphon”. One day a metheoride crushed the ground, and cursed all Merziphonians. Because of the curse their nightmares become portals for magical creatures,”Magicis Cadem” they called it. Magical Massacres.
A Hundered years later another event occured in Marziphon. A Mage called “Onnm” decided to unlift this curse. He was decided to cast a spell called “banisment of nightmares”, so nobody can ever see any nightmares but the most needed ingredeent for the spell was human blood. He was gathered as many villagers he can and found the city of Intyham, with it Onnm can gather blood and sacrifice some for all. After he casted the spell, Marziphon’s ground shattered and formed lots of rifts which full of deamonic powers. He just banished nightmares but called something more horrific. At the last sequance of banishment spell a flying Demon appeared on the sky, he taked Onnm and disappear.
After the disappearence of Onnm, the folk of Intyham re-forged Onnm’s staff and shaped as solid magical stones. Then they build a huge rapmart which defend all Intyham from the demon itself.