I remade my very first gm6 game from memory

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I remember making a game exactly like this when I was 12 years old. I discovered game maker 6 on a relative's computer, while I was visiting USA with my family. I remember spending the entire day making this with Drag&Drop, and then playing it with my brother for a while (who was probably 9 at the time)

This game is unfortunately lost to time, probably siting on some hard drive somewhere, as I did not really understand the internet back then and also didn't have an e-mail address. Today I have tried to accurately recreate it, and by accurately I mean also remaking the completely glitched input bugs and visual bugs (try hitting an edge of the screen) as well.

To play it properly, you will need someone to share your keyboard with (like a friend, a significant other, a sibling, or maybe just use both hands because I playtested this by myself in a way that made the game ambidextrous)

Red player controls:

  • WASD: move
  • Spacebar: shoot
  • You can also cheat by firing your brother's rockets with left shift although in retrospect this probably doesn't really count as cheating since you just make the game harder for yourself by adding more rockets.

Yellow player controls:

  • Arrow keys: move
  • Right shift: shoot
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I remade my very first gm6 game from memory screenshot, image №3721939 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 6, 2023

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