I Will Be There (itch)
This has been my side-project for the last three months as I decided to have some fun and learn a new skill. My background definitely skews towards writing and art, so this is more of an interactive visual story than a challenging platformer, but hopefully fans of the show will get some enjoyment out of it.
Music credits, because sadly I was unable to teach myself how to become a master composer at the same time as learning game-making:
Raining Outside (Light) by Ozzed
At The End of the Day by Ozzed
Getting Started by Ozzed
Song for Someone by Ozzed
Introjuice by Ozzed
The Way You Love by Jonathon So
Starshine by Mathgrant
Calm Day by Mathgrant
Sound cues made using Bosca Ceoil and where appropriate, the Crazy Ex Girlfriend sheet music made available by Rachel Bloom.
I don't own Crazy Ex Girlfriend or any of its characters - I just love them with my whole heart.